I am just so grateful for the daily miracles and interactions with Christ over the past month or so. His presence has made such a positive impact on my outlook of life lately. I feel like he has truly just taken the reins and has led me down a fruitful and prosperous path. I've fought for many years to keep the reins in my care and control. I've fought until I was so tired and weak that I had two choices- curl up in a ball and quit, or to turn the reins over to Him. He has embraced me in His arms of mercy, comforting my heart and whispering to my mind, that I am his dear child, that He promises he will take care of me. He reminds me of all the times that he has taken care of me and finally I can see it. Finally, I trust in Him enough to just LET GO. "As He surrounded you with His loving embrace, the Spirit sweetly reminds you of the time before your birth. He held you gently, whispering loving words of assurance, "I will not forget thee, nor forsake thee. I will not fail thee . . ." And then you were born." Painting and quote by Derek Hegsted
For this new year I hope that you all will come to know the Savior personally in your lives. I hope you will feel his presence and see his kind acts of love and support daily. He IS real. He IS there. He IS our master our salvation. He WILL NOT fail you.
This week's talk was one that had a profound effect on me this Christmas season. I still feel like we can celebrate the reason fro the season. I hope you all had a merry Christmas and that you each will have a very wonderful, faith promoting 2009.
If there is a subject you would like covered for next year feel free to email me at talkoftheweek@gmail.com with a suggestion or a topic.
"Maybe Christmas Doesn't Come From a Store"
..........Part of the purpose for telling the story of Christmas is to remind us that Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Indeed, however delightful we feel about it, even as children, each year it “means a little bit more.” And no matter how many times we read the biblical account of that evening in Bethlehem, we always come away with a thought—or two—we haven’t had before.
There are so many lessons to be learned from the sacred account of Christ’s birth that we always hesitate to emphasize one at the expense of all the others. Forgive me while I do just that in the time we have together here.
One impression which has persisted with me recently is that this is a story—in profound paradox with our own times—that this is a story of intense poverty. I wonder if Luke did not have some special meaning when he wrote not “there was no room in the inn” but specifically that “there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7; italics added.) We cannot be certain, but it is my guess that money could talk in those days as well as in our own. I think if Joseph and Mary had been people of influence or means, they would have found lodging even at that busy time of year....... to read more of this talk click this link.
what a great way to start the New Year remembering his tender mercies in our lives and how he will never forsake us. I love this message and the beautiful picture.