Welcome to the Talk Of The Week Club. I began this club as a way to share my love of learning and growing in the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My hope and desire is for you to learn and grow in your faith and love of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Each Thursday a new talk will be posted, come back, open your heart and mind, allow yourself to receive and I promise you will be spiritually fed.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 13: Equity

This week I have been thinking about the equity of the Savior (see Alma 9:26) and what it means to me. What I learned for myself was more of equality towards each person on the earth.

In ancient times the people were commanded not to esteem others above themselves or themselves above others (Mosiah 23:7) I know I have done this very thing at times. I have looked upon someone in the church or my ward whom I judge to be righteous in every way and then placed them on a pedestal of sorts. I tried to emulate them only to fail or not reach the height to which I had placed them and instead of feeling equal I felt miserable. I have experienced feelings that I would never be as good as so and so, I may as well give up. How can God love me if I can't be as good as them or have the calling that they have. Or the one I have felt the most is Heavenly Father and Jesus must not love me as much as them because I do not have the same opportunities to serve in the church. Elder Packer addresses this very thought in October 2007 General Conference when he said,

"There is the natural tendency to look at those who are sustained to presiding
positions, to consider them to be higher and of more value in the Church or to
their families than an ordinary member. Somehow we feel they are worth more
to the Lord than are we. It just does not work that way!"

I am so grateful for the chance to learn about the equality of the Savior's love for all of us. I truly know that what Elder Packer said is true, "It just does not work that way!" I did not exceed at being as "righteous" as so and so because I was not growing in the way that the Lord was providing just for me. I was emulating someone else's journey not relying on or emulating the Savior. Equity means to me the equal love and esteem or worth each of us have in the sight of God. The Lord loves each of us individually for our personal strengths and goodness. The atonement of the Savior proves this principle to be true. Did He suffer just for the Relief Society President or the neighbor who is always helping others? We know that he suffered for all men. We learn that in the third Article of Faith,

We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

We learn from this that it is our choice. We are the ones who have to make the choice to come unto the Lord and take the steps necessary to be saved.

"Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the
sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name. Yea, thus we see
that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God." Helaman 3:27-28

I am glad that I had this chance to study this characteristic of Jesus Christ. I read so much this week and thought I would just compile what really helped me understand instead of recommending a specific talk. Here is a list of the ones I read if you want to read them you can.

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