Welcome to the Talk Of The Week Club. I began this club as a way to share my love of learning and growing in the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My hope and desire is for you to learn and grow in your faith and love of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Each Thursday a new talk will be posted, come back, open your heart and mind, allow yourself to receive and I promise you will be spiritually fed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 6: Temple Marriage: What can we learn from it?


I want to tell you about a person who has been such an inspiration and example to me, my grandpa Ivan Johnson. He is 93 years old, blind, and suffers from hearing loss. He goes to the St. George temple three days a week for 6 hours at a time. I asked him the other day why he does it and he told me, "I have nothing else to do." He then went on to say, "It [the temple] is a good place to be, a good place to be found." Then of course as only a wife can do my grandma Margaret reminded, "The Lord wants him to."  When I asked him what blessings he has received because of his service he told me two things, "[It has] Kept me out of mischief." and "The people have become like family." My Grandma also mentioned that a blessing she sees is that others remember his service and desire to do the same. Grandpa said that he feels all the people that have been helped and that with some imagination you can almost feel them rejoicing that their families are being brought together forever. To which grandma commented that it isn't imaginary it is real. My grandparents told me that they have been going to the temple at least once a week for over 65 years. And the last 6 years grandpa has been spending 18 hours a week there.

The picture above was taken on my last visit. Grandpa was waiting for his ride to the temple. I was impressed by his dedication and excitement to go. He was ready and waiting just as a child does when their friend is coming to play.  I thought about his example here and wondered do I have such a desire and excitement to serve in the Temple? How is it that this little old man can serve the Lord even though he suffers from many disabilities? If he can do it then why can't I, an able bodied, young woman dedicate my time to the Lord and serve in His house.

I wondered what keeps me from serving. A few years ago I thought that I had to give 2 hours at a time to do an Endowment Session. It wasn't until a year and a half ago when my youngest child started preschool that I decided to follow my grandpa's example and go more often, that I realized I could do Sealing’s or Initiatory and stay for as long as I can. Another thing that has kept me from going to the temple in the past is not being able to schedule time to go with my spouse. Although it is ideal to serve together, if circumstances are difficult, I've come to learn that it is better to go alone than not at all. My grandma is not physically able to go with my grandpa but she serves by preparing his clothing and supporting him and his desire to serve. I believe that they are both blessed because of their desire to serve the Lord in the Temple.

I know that my family's life has been blessed by my service. I leave Sealing work with a greater love for my spouse and my children which in turn blesses my home with more peace as I am less tempted to yell or lose all my patience at once. I leave Initiatory with hope and courage to do what I am asked to do. I leave Endowment sessions with a sense of who I am and a great, loving testimony for the Savior and His atonement. I do not think I even know half of the blessings that are given to me for serving. I do it because I have watched a valiant man and his precious wife dedicate their lives to the Lord. I do it because I have gained my own testimony of the importance of temple work. I do it because the Lord wants me to.

I am not an ordained minister, nor do have any authority to exhort or command. I do know from personal experience however that going to the temple whether you understand it or not blesses lives. Spiritual knowledge is gained, peace is given, strength and courage are restored. A love of God and of family is obtained and secured in one's heart with faithful and consistent service in the Temple's of God the Eternal Father and the Savior Jesus Christ.  If I could I would plead and beg you all to just go. Do not wait until you are old and have nothing else to do. Do not wait until all your questions are answered. Go now, you need it now, your families need it now, your children and future children need it now. Please go to the Temple.

I chose the talk this week because it went t into really good detail of why we go to the temple. I hope you will enjoy it and that you will gain a testimony for yourself by attending the temple regularly.

All my hope and love,

No Text this week

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