Hello Friends,
As I considered what to share this month, I found this wonderful talk by President Monson from last year's October Conference. As we begin the Thanksgiving Season, we have an opportunity to focus on our many blessings and encouraging our families to also practice recognizing blessings. I just spoke with a mom who plans to challenge her children to write a thank you note each day to someone they know.
President Monson shares many wonderful insights. Here are a couple of my favorites:
--Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love.
--Notice that the Savior gave thanks for what they had—and a miracle followed. (The 7 loaves and a few fishes miracle. Gratitude was expressed for the little they had.)
-- If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues. Someone has said that “gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
--Let us follow Him. Let us emulate His example. Let us obey His words. By so doing, we give to Him the divine gift of gratitude.
I am grateful for the inspiring story of Corrie & Betsie ten Boom from "The Hiding Place." They learned to thank God for the fleas in their prison room, for the fleas kept the guards away and allowed the sisters to conduct forbidden Bible study meetings. We don't usually have to look so hard or find things so unpleasant to be grateful for.
I would like to add my testimony that gratitude is a divine gift. Through it we open ourselves to feel the Spirit and Heavenly Father's love for us. The more we exercise this character trait, the more readily we see and feel gratitude for our countless blessings. Gratitude is one of our most meaningful forms of worship. You might like saying a gratitude only prayer.
A marvelous Season of Gratitude and Thanksgiving to each of you!
Much Love,

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Week 45: The Divine Gift of Gratitude
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Week 41: Opportunities to do Good
Dear friends,
I hope you have enjoyed your week and that all is well with you. Today's message is from the Mormon Messages site. It is a wonderful example of how we can serve others in a time of need and how miracles can and do happen.
Have a blessed week,
*For best results in viewing, pause the music player on the right sidebar before watching the message*
Friday, October 7, 2011
Week 40: President Thomas S. Monson: Taking Temples to All the World
I hope you had an amazing Conference Weekend. If you didn't yet get to hear Elder Holland's talk from the Priesthood Session, I highly recommend it. A friend recently sent some notes from Brother Coburn's Devotional at BYU-I titled "President Thomas S. Monson: Taking Temples to All the World." It was delightful to hear Brother Coburn's insights as President of the Temple Department. His personal stories of President Monson and details we don't often hear were a real treat for me.
He challenged us to write in our journals about this time of miraculous temple building and I realized I have come to expect that at each General Conference, and often in between, 3, 4 or 5 new temples are being announced. I never want to take for granted the miracle it is to witness the fulfillment of prophecy that temples will dot the earth. President Brigham Young promised there would be "hundreds of temples" throughout the earth! And in a time of economic uncertainty for the rest of the world, what a miracle that each of these is built to the highest specifications and fully paid for before it is dedicated.
Other things Brother Coburn challenged us to do are:
--read President Monson's Biography
--always have the temple in our sights
--attend often.
How grateful I am for a living Prophet who speaks to us and builds His holy temples.
Much love to each of you,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Week 37: Agency and Love in Marriage
Don't you just love it when someone sends you a message that contains exactly what YOU needed to hear? This past week a friend forwarded the following talk to me. It was wonderful to receive such a sweet message during a time when I needed answers. It was humbling however to recognize the things I need to do better to show Christ like love to my spouse and others. I hope you to will enjoy this message. If you are in need of further information on strengthening your marriage I recommend that you review the September 2011 Ensign magazine. It has many great articles on marriage and family.
Have a great week!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Week 35: Teach Them to Understand
Hello Friends,
I love the new start we get at the end of summer as we begin a new year of school and schedules. I often feel more energized to make changes and improvements in my life at this time than in the cold and dreariness of January. I discovered this gem by Elder Bednar and hope it will be as inspiriing and insightful for you as it has been for me. I am grateful for Elder Bednar's gifts as a teacher, a preacher really, as you will see by this devotional talk he gave in 1998 at the Ricks College Education Week.
His teaching has caused me to consider what I might do to better create an environment where we as parents invite the Spirit into our home. The Spirit is the master teacher for our children.Elder Bednar teaches that in our homes, we cannot hide from who we really are. This produces a desire for us to be better. Within a Christ-centered home, love, trust, and confidence invite the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. He explains that as children truly understand, action will follow. This will not be out of a desire to please us or stay out of trouble, but motivated by a desire to obtain promised blessings and fulfill pre-ordained missions. Why do we teach of the necessity of daily pray and scripture reading? Not to mark off our to do list, but to invite the Spirit and put us in a position to receive the daily revelation necessary for us to thrive each day in the world in which we live. His question to parents of "Please help me understand what it is in your life that is so important that you cannot make time for these spiritually essential activities" is still working in me as I plan and ponder and clear schedules to create the time we must have together as a family.
Enjoy! Love and Blessings to each of you as we begin a new Season,
Text Link
Audio Link
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Week 31: To Always Remember Him
Hello Friends,
As I read and pondered this devotional talk by Elder Christofferson, I once again felt great gratitude for the blessing of living Prophets and Apostles on the earth. Elder Christofferson teaches brought new insights and determination to me and increased my love for and understanding of the Savior's role. Truly, as we seek to know and remember our Savior more, we can always reach and stretch a little more.
Much Love,
To Always Remember Him- Text
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Week 23: A Father Indeed
While in conversation, the other day with some friends, we started talking about family responsibity's. I listed all the things I do with my childen and how I am very much independent because my husband works long hours. When he is home, will soon find someone in need of help and go to the rescue, spend his time in our garage fixing a neighbor's car, or working on the upkeep of our home. While explaining this to our friends they brought up that my husband also helps with the children. I then related all the things he does for and with them. He tucks them in, he has changed diapers, fed them, coaches them in sports, and finds time to tease and play with them too. He has been such a wonderful example to me. Even on the late nights when the children have been put to bed before he has gotten home, soon after arriving home he will sneak into their rooms and kiss them goodnight. He has sacrificed and spent hours doing sidework to provide for us and to take us to Disneyland at least yearly. From this conversation I was reminded how important fathers are.
I remembered this Mormon Message from a few years ago. It has had such an impact on how I see my own father and husband. I am so grateful for the wonderful men in my life who have shown me how to love and be selfless. These men who have held me while I cried and cheered me on with great pride. They have been my strength and my examples. Thank you to you fathers who do so much. You are so very important and are so very much loved.
Have a blessed week,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Week 22: Your Potential, Your Privilege
This week's Talk of the Week is "Your Potential, Your Privilege"
President Uchtdorf from the April 2011 General Conference Priesthood
Session. This month, our talks are focusing on Fatherhood and the roles
of the Priesthood. When I receive the Conference issue of the Ensign,
the Priesthood sessions are the first I read. I find much in them that
is applicable and helpful for me. I am grateful for President
Uchtdorf's masterful teaching and insights.
President Uchtdorf teaches that the blessings of the priesthood
transcend our ability to comprehend and that the fact that Heavenly
Father entrusts this power and responsibility to man is evidence of His
great jove for us and a foreshowing of our potential. He challenges
that we partake of the abundant feast available to us through Priesthood
opportunities. He encourages that our "do it" switch does not get
rotated to the "do it later" position and challenges that not a day goes
by without doing something to act on the promptings of the Spirit. He
encourages us to seek personal revelation and teaches that the
Priesthood is a channel through which the Almighty reveals Himself to
His children. If we do not seek to use this channel of revelation, we
are living beneath our privileges. He continues, "Think of what a
glorious thing it is to reach beyond our earthly limitations, to have
the eyes of our understanding opened and receive light and knowledge
from celestial sources!" He encourages that we feel the bliss that comes
from daily, practical priesthood service and that we may find true joy
in daily service.
A joyful June to you!
Much love,
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Week 21: What Have I Done For Someone Today?
Back in March I told you of a wonderful, spiritual experience I had at my Stake Conference. I learned a lot, took many notes as the spirit prompted me, and I have begun to apply those things in my life more fully. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today as this is all that is left of my beautiful stake center...
In thinking about what occurred in Joplin on Sunday afternoon I felt like there were 2 things I could share with you this week.
The first is the website www.ldstornado.org
This is the website the church uses to assign out work orders in helping the victims of this horrific tornado. If you are able to help in anyway possible please check this website first.
The second is a beautiful talk by our Prophet President Thomas S. Monson which reminds us that our hands are the Lord's hands. Have you done any good today?
Read the talk HERE
I would like to challenge you this next week to remember those that are down trodden, those that have lost their homes, clothes, pets, friends, family members, schools, meetinghouses and so much more. Though far or near the people of Joplin could use your prayers and your service. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Week 19: Daughters of God
This week my grandfather passed away. With the emotions from that I haven't really felt up to finding a talk for the week. I was thinking about my memories of him though and remembered how he always seemed to be a champion for women. My grandmother passed away 18 years ago. He has always shared how much he loved and missed her. I remember each time I saw him while I was pregnant he seemed to be particularly gentle and at awe. This memory of him has helped me feel more self confident and important as a woman, mother and wife. I appreciate and will always remember his love and care for our family. I posted the following talk a few years ago and thought it was perfect for the topic of the importance of womanhood.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and be sure to give your loved ones a special hug and kiss.
(I found this and had to share it today as well)
I have been learning a lesson this past year about motherhood. In a conversation with my mother this past week I mentioned to her that I am finally seeing that being, "just a mom" is enough. In fact I feel that to be the mother I want to be, being a mother is all I can and want to do. There is no room for a much more. This has been a very hard lesson to learn. Heavenly Father has been trying to teach me this for a very long time! I am in no way saying that I have perfected this lesson. I am saying that I am finally seeing a slice of the big picture and this big picture is one that at times is hard for me to grasp!
I stumbled across this talk yesterday and have to admit that when I first heard it I felt a little frustrated. I realize now that my feelings stemmed from my own personal self doubt and even pride thinking that being a mother was not enough. As the years go by I get busier and busier with all sorts of good things. I am noticing that the things that bring me the most peace and joy are the things that relate to motherhood. Who knew that washing and folding laundry could bring a sense of peace and calm to ones heart! Well, let me tell you that it has for me. As much as I dread doing the mundane tasks of motherhood when I finally make time for them and I do so with a grateful or willing heart I feel wrapped up in a joy that feels as though heavenly arms are surrounding me, reassuring me that these tasks do in fact matter.
I hope you will enjoy this talk and I pray that you will listen to it with a grateful and willing heart so you can hear the things that are meant for you. Even if you are a husband, child, or mother of grown children this talk has a special message for all to hear.
Have a wonderful week enjoying the blessed tasks of mortality.
All my Love,
MP3 Link
Daughters of God
Elder M. Russell Ballard Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
There is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Week 18: Nourishing and Protecting the Family
Happy Mother's Day friends! I hope this weekend will be a sweet time for each of you. As I was pondering and searching for a talk to share about motherhood and the roles of nurturing, I came across this wonderful talk from Sister Beck given at the 2009 BYU Women's Conference. Each time I hear Sister Beck speak, I think of the scripture "for such a time as this." She teaches us with such courage and clarity. How grateful I am for her insights and wisdom.
I am grateful for the specific teachings Sister Beck gives in this talk:
She reiterates that The Creation, The Fall and The Atonement are the three pillars of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Families are the key of our doctrine--families being established before the world was.
Male and Female spirits complete each other and are both needed to raise children.
Those who do not have the opportunity to bear children, will have every blessing in the next life.
At 17, the Prophet Joseph knew about the blessings of eternal families.
She calls on us to stand up and defend the family as the social restraints that once preserved and protected it have been removed.
Fight-fight against the power of the adversary against our families.
She quotes Joseph F. Smith"Whenever...temptations became most alluring and most tempting to me, the first thought that arose in my soul was this: remember the love of your mother." What an insight to us as mothers to keep trying! She teaches ."we will need the Spirit of the Lord with us in greater abundance in times to come than we have ever had. We need to be the ones seeking every day to qualify for the Spirit, to recognize the voice of the Spirit, and to follow the voice of the Spirit because other voices will lead us in the wrong ways." Difficult challenges are coming, but through our challenges we grow and will have eternal joy.
I hope Sister Beck's talk brings you much joy and that your Mother's Day is delightful for you.
Much love,
Go HERE for the Text of this talk
Watch a video HERE
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Week 17: None Where With Him
This week I would just like to add my testimony to the beautiful, heartfelt testimony of Elder Holland, a true apostle of the Lord.
I KNOW that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I KNOW that He lives and that He loves us. I KNOW that despite all my shortcomings he loves me and he provided a way so that I could return to live with him once more.
I declare today that I will stand with the savior Jesus Christ at all times and in all things and in all places....even unto death. I'm so grateful for His atoning sacrifice. As the words in one of my favorite hymns says, "Oh it is wonderful that He should care for me enough to die for me! Oh it is wonderful! Wonderful to me!"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Week 16: Finding Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ **Repost**
Would you?
“To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.“To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.” 3
“To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.
“To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.” 3
From the beginning of time, prophets have known that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, of His mortal mission, and of His Atonement for all mankind. Sacred records give the prophecies of thousands of years, not only of the first coming of our Savior but also of the Second Coming—a glorious day that will most assuredly come.
If we had lived in the days of these prophets of old, would we have believed on their words? Would we have had faith in the coming of our Savior?
Read the rest of this talk HERE
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Week 15: I Know HE Lives
Over the past few weeks I have pondered what I could and should say about my personal testimony of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have thought of how I first came to know He loved me. I have thought about how over the years I have seen His tender mercies. I am reminded of the times that as I have sinned I have plead for forgiveness and have felt His peace. I recall how recently during the loss of my pregnancy I felt Him beside me, looking upon me with compassion and offering His holy comfort. I have tried to narrow down a single talk that has helped me develop my knowledge of the Christ but the task still comes up short. There are too many to be shared in one email or blog post. So many moments that I can witness He lives. Instead I share with you my heart and though I am but one small, regular person in this universe, I know I am not alone in my personal tesitmony of Jesus Christ.
I found a Mormon Message video from His appostles to share today so you don't have to just take my word for it. (before you play video please pause the music play on the right)
May you all feel and accept His love this week,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Week 14: The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
Dear Friends,
The "I Believe in Christ Legacy" by Jane P. Merrill (Read the account from Sister McConkie by going to THIS link and a reference of the account mentioned is also found HERE)
I hope Elder McConkie's testimony blesses you as it has me. I am grateful that we continue to benefit from his powerful witness as we worship by singing the Hymn "I Believe in Christ."
Love and Blessings,

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Week 13: The Holy Ghost
I have found that having the Holy Ghost as a Constant Companion is something that I have sometimes taken for granted. In light of the work that I need to do to prepare myself and my family to return to Heavenly Father, I have recommitted myself to live up to my "privilege of having the Holy Ghost with me at all times. I want the blessings that Joseph Smith promised the Sisters in the first Relief Society meeting:
“If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates. “
Here are two of my favorite talks on the Holy Ghost. Enjoy!
- "Receive the Holy Ghost", David A. Bednar, Nov. 2010 Ensign, pg 94
2. Rise to Your Call” November 2002 Ensign by Henry B. Eyring.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Week 12: Don't Leave for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
Recently, my husband and I were blessed to attend an adult session of our Stake Conference. I say blessed because finding a babysitter for 6 children on a night when everyone else would also be needing a babysitter is a big feat. I entered into the stake building, and found a seat towards the very front of the chapel. There were many people in attendance and I wanted to make sure I heard every word that was spoken, grasped every small detail, and that I could truly feel the spirit as it whispered truth into my soul. Of course, I know that I didn't need to be right upfront to accomplish this, but somehow it made me focus harder and listen longer. Much of the conference focused on the family, on rearing children in righteousness, and bringing them up in truth and light. Basically, they pounded the principle that “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.” (Family: A Proclamation to the World, 1995)
I took so many notes! I wrote down ideas as they came to me, little treasures that stood out to me in each talk, and quiet whisperings of the spirit.
I won't share all of my notes, that's a whole post all by itself, however a few of the most important things were:
"Being a mother is the highest calling I can have!!!!!!!!!" (Yes, I put that many exclamation points in my notes...)
Go forth with faith (maybe put a sign on the door that says this, so the kids see this it as they leave the house each day)<---this was a little bit of inspiration I received as I listened
Agency is not the right to do as we please but the right to do what is right
The home is the basis of righteous living.
I went home so filled with inspiration, with thoughts and ideas. I was filled to the brim with love for my children and love for the gospel. Then I got home. Somehow in the few short weeks since Stake Conference I've kind of forgotten the urgency I had to get home and put some of the thoughts I had into practice. I just keep putting of till tomorrow! To reinforce those thoughts, I decided to make the topic of my post this month, Family, more specifically raising children in light and truth and bringing our families to the gospel. I must have have read over a dozen talks trying to find just the right one to share with all of you, I finally chose the talk "Don't Leave for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today" given by Claudio R. M. Costa of the Seventy in the October 2007 General Conference. While the title of this talk may not sound like it's about family, it truly is. He explains the urgency we have to teach our children today, to offer acts of love and kindness to our family today because we never know what tomorrow might bring.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Week 9: Follow the Prophet
As I have pondered what to share for this Week's Talk of the Week, I felt impressed to share two brief talks from the October 2010 General Conference which both emphasized President Benson's "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet ." I have thought it significant that two of the Seventy felt impressed to repeat what an earlier Apostle and future Prophet of the Church, Elder Ezra Taft Benson, taught about living prophets. Elder Duncan spoke at our Stake Conference just a couple of weeks before the October Conference and knew that he and Elder Costa would both be sharing the same "14 Fundamentals," yet the impression and urgency to testify of these truths burned within him. This past week, our missionary son began teaching a new investigator. As they showed him pictures of the Prophets of this Dispensation the man exclaimed about President Monson, "And he is living?!!"
As I have pondered these talks, I have wondered what I might do to better follow every word of the Prophet and how to prepare to quickly follow what future things he may ask us to do. I am grateful to know that "surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) Elder Duncan teaches that one of the crowning blessings of membership in this Church is being led by living prophets of God. I think the title of his talk is also significant "Our Very Survival."
"For his work ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.
"For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory." (D & C 21:5-6)
How grateful I am for living Prophets and Apostles who teach us all things that are needful for us to know for our particular time and circumstances. I know that they speak for God and that as we heed their words we will be safe.
Love and Blessings,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Week 7: World Wide Leadership Training
This week we have a special treat. Not only will you find a link for the MP3 version of the choosen talk but also you will find a link for a message from our contributor Sarah.
Sarah's message to you:
Click here
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Week 6: My Peace I Give Unto You
Since last month the topic of peace has been on my mind. I was planning on sharing something regarding peace this month and then I had an experience where I was granted the gift of peace during a trial that many women face and I wondered why I was so blessed. While listening to this talk I learned two specific things for me. First, how we arrive to peace doesn't matter and second, peace is rooted and comes from our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I want to add my personal testimony that through our faith and hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ we can have peace in our hearts for even the most troubling personal issues. Turn to Him in prayer, seek for Him in scripture, look for the good He is giving you now and in the darkness of pain you will find Him. He will give you light, He will replace the pain with joy and He will give you peace. I know by personal experience that this is true. I have felt the Savior's caring and healing touch. I KNOW He lives.
May you be able to see your blessings,
Mp3 Link
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Week 5: Unleashing the Dormant Spirit
Hello Friends!
A friend shared this wonderful YouTube clip with me which inspired me to
further study Elder Busche's devotional talk "Unleashing the Dormant
Spirit." My greatest quest as a mother, wife, and disciple of Jesus
Christ is the constant companionship and recognition of the promptings
of the Holy Ghost in my life. I am grateful for Elder Busche's teaching
about this great gift that is to be ours every minute of every day. What
is it that I am holding back or unwilling to completely sacrifice that
removes me from this privilege? How do I awaken and deepen my desire
for this gift so that it overcomes all obstacles? Elder Busche gives a
wonderful, detailed checklist of questions we can ask ourselves to help
in our quest for the constant guidance of the Holy Ghost. He promises
that we will rejoice every day if we take the Holy Spirit as our guide.
It is through this gift that we will "abide the day" and will not be
deceived ( D & C 45:56-57) as we prepare for and participate in the
Second Coming of the Savior.
Much love to each of you,
MP3 and Transcript Link
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Week 4: The Best is Yet To Be
We're four weeks into a brand new year. 27 days down....648 hours...38,880 minutes. As you read this, seconds are ticking into the past. The New Year for me always signifies a fresh start, a new day, an exciting look towards the future. I recently read something that said, "Do you know why a car's windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small? It's because what's behind us isn't as important as what's ahead of us...so look ahead, move on and enjoy the journey" We are going through some major transitions in our home right now. We're adjusting to a new baby, 6 kids, a new city, a new home (8 people in a small 3 bdrm duplex), my husband returning to school for his Master's and living as "students" but with a huge family. With all these changes bring uncertainty, I don't know what lies ahead for us. I'd rather not admit it but I've spent the better part of the month wishing for yesterday. Wishing I could turn back the hands of time and change the last 4 months of craziness. Somedays I go farther back and dwell in the glory of days past and wallow in self pity of where I stand now. As I searched for comfort and prayed for guidance I found these words by Jeffrey R. Holland, "...faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives." I realize I need to exude more faith in the Lord. More faith in his plan for me and my family. More faith in the fact that he guided us here and we are in his hands. I need to stop doubting the Lord's ability to give me something more, something better than I've already had. In his time. I'm starting to feel like my future is bright...the best is yet to be.
My contribution this week is two part. First, please watch this Mormon Message entitled "New Year's: Look Not Behind Thee". Then listen to or read Jeffrey R. Holland's talk entitled, "The Best is Yet to Be"
**Before you play the video be sure to pause the music player on the right side of the blog**
MP3 and PDF text here
Text of talk here
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Week 3: Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart and I Shall Heal You
This week's talk is from the Priesthood Session October 2010. Yes, I love Elder Kearon's accent, but I also love the impact his talk has had on my life as well as that of my oldest son. Elder Kearon reminds all of us that when we come unto the Savior with FULL purpose of heart we can be healed. We have to listen and obey the council of those who are leading us (that means not wearing flip flops in the desert among other things). We must not respond with laziness and rebelliousness when it comes to living the gospel.
Have you been stung by a scorpion? If so, return to HIM for healing and peace.
MP3 Link
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Week 2: Fundamental To Our Faith
We look on the bearing and nurturing of children as part of God’s plan and a sacred duty of those given the power to participate in it. We believe that the ultimate treasures on earth and in heaven are our children and our posterity. And we believe that we must contend for the kind of mortal families that provide the best conditions for the development and happiness of children—all children.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Volume III Week 1: A Gift Worthy of Added Care
Hello friends! Happy New Year!
As I look to the year ahead and consider changes I need and want to make in my life, spiritual changes are those I most desire. I was very impressed by "A Gift Worthy of Added Care," by Elder Neil L. Andersen in the December 2010 Ensign. I am grateful that the Ensign provides a medium for us to frequently read from Prophets and Apostles. I appreciate Elder Anderson's witness that the Holy Ghost:
- enlightens our minds and fills our souls with joy
- shows us what we should do
- sanctifies us
- can influence seekers of truth
- is a gift for all if we diligently seek our way back to our heavenly home.
Wonderful promises and blessings for each of us,
MP3 Link
Christmas morning came, and I leaped up the stairs from our basement bedroom. Running into the living room, I looked in vain for a bicycle. My heart dropped as I noticed a small present under my stocking, and I tried to control my disappointment.
As we sat as a family in the living room, my father asked me to get a knife from the adjoining kitchen so we could open a box holding a present for my brother. I walked into the small kitchen and fumbled for the light switch to find my way. As the light illuminated the room, my excitement soared. Right before me stood a beautiful black 26-inch (66 cm) bicycle! For many years I rode that bicycle, took care of it, watched over it, and befriended it—a gift long appreciated and treasured.
Read the rest HERE
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Week 50: Holiday Greetings
With the holiday season well in full swing I thought it would be fun to share some of my current favorite Mormon Messages. I just love these little videos. They are great for a pick me up and they aren't too long either. These three were some I watched recently that were full of christmas spirit. I hope you enjoy them too!
Love and blessings,
**Before you play them be sure to pause the music player on the right side of the blog**
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Week 49: A Prayer for the Children
This talk was inspired by a repentant heart, mine. Have you ever gone somewhere with your children that you thought was harmless only to reflect later on the eternal implcations that it might produce. That happened to me this week.
I am recommitted to looking at all aspects of my choices - Who will be there? What will it look like to others? What will my kids think of the experience? and on and on!
I am grateful for new beginnings and the Atonement and I pray that my children will make great choices in their life!
MP3 Link
At the close of His first day teaching among the Nephite faithful, the resurrected Jesus turned His attention to a special audience which often stands just below the level of our gaze, sometimes nearly out of sight.
The sacred record says: “He commanded that their little children should be brought [forward]. . . .
“And . . . when they had knelt upon the ground, . . . he himself also knelt . . . ; and behold he prayed unto the Father, and the things which he prayed cannot be written, . . . so great and marvelous [were the] things . . . [He did] speak unto the Father. . . .
“. . . When Jesus had made an end of praying . . . , he arose; . . . and . . . wept, . . . and he took their little children, one by one, and blessed them, and [again] prayed unto the Father for them.
“And when he had done this he wept again; . . . [saying] unto the multitude, . . . Behold your little ones.”
We cannot know exactly what the Savior was feeling in such a poignant moment, but we do know that He was “troubled” and that He “groaned within himself” over the destructive influences always swirling around the innocent.1 We know He felt a great need to pray for and bless the children.
Read the rest HERE.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Week 48: That Our Children Might See the Face of the Savior
Hello Friends,
Happy December! I hope this Christmas Season will be one of joy and peace for you. As I have looked forward to sharing this month, I reviewed Sister Cheryl C. Lant's April 2010 Conference Talk "That Our Children Might See the Face of the Savior." Is there anything we want more for ourselves or our children than to see the face of the Savior? Christmastime gives us a unique opportunity to remember and seek Him more as we are given extra daily reminders of our Savior and His love for us. I have two friends who have recently shared ideas about remembering Him during this season-- one adorns her tree with pictures of the Savior, another's daughter found their ornament of the baby Jesus and asked where they should place in on their tree--then responded, "Right in Front!" Isn't that where we want the Savior to be now and always?
I appreciate Sister Lant's insights on what we can do to see the face of the Savior. She teaches that coming to Christ and eventually seeing His face, comes only as we draw close to Him through our faith and our actions. It comes from a lifetime of effort. As we seek to bring our children to the Savior, we also bring ourselves. First, we must Love the Lord with all our hearts and we must love our Children. Second, we must be a worthy example by continually seeking the Lord and striving to live the Gospel. Third, we must teach our children the Gospel and how to live its teachings.
She asks, "What do my children see when they look at my face? Do they see the image of the Savior in my countenance because of how I live my life?...we are the ones given a sacred, noble stewardship ...to encircle today's children with love and the fire of faith and and understanding of who they are...we are the angels that Heavenly Father has sent today to bless the children...we can help them see the face of the Savior as we teach principles of the gospel and fill our homes with the joy of living them. "
May this be a wonderful season of seeking the Savior for each of us.
Much love,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Week 46: The Divine Gift of Gratitude
A very fitting topic for this month and our upcoming holiday next week, Gratitude. The talk I featured today is from the most recent General Conference. I read it to my family last night and truly felt gratitude for this great man, President Thomas S. Monson. His simple way of story telling really helps to bring his message straight to one's heart. There were several quotes from this talk that I loved below is one of them.
"A grateful heart, then, comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. This requires conscious effort—at least until we have truly learned and cultivated an attitude of gratitude. Often we feel grateful and intend to express our thanks but forget to do so or just don’t get around to it. Someone has said that “feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”I made a handout above as a reminder to learn to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. I hope you can have a great Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy this message too.
MP3 Link
My beloved friend President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.”
In the book of Matthew in the Bible, we have another account of gratitude, this time as an expression from the Savior. As He traveled in the wilderness for three days, more than 4,000 people followed and traveled with Him. He took compassion on them, for they may not have eaten during the entire three days. His disciples, however, questioned, “Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?” Like many of us, the disciples saw only what was lacking.
“And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And [the disciples] said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
“And [Jesus] commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.
“And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.”
Notice that the Savior gave thanks for what they had—and a miracle followed: “And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.”
We have all experienced times when our focus is on what we lack rather than on our blessings. Said the Greek philosopher Epictetus, “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”
Read the complete talk HERE.